Master, Semester & Group Theses
Master Thesis
Semester-/Group and BachelorThesis
Wilhelm Cordes / BA 562
Health Indicator Construction for Circuit Breakers using Distance/Similarly-Based Methods
Pauline Schaaf / BA 561
Experimental Study of Dielectric Particles in Gas Insulation Systems
Peter Mukovskiy/Kayra Celtik / BA 560
A New Control Algorithm for the FPCS with Time-Depending Hysteresis Limits
SangUk Yun / BA 559
Automation of Experiments
Luca Valentini / BA 558
Construction of Lighning Impulse Experiment
Dimitrios Skikos / Samuel Hofer / Linus Hollnagel / GA 557
Methods of Breakdown Detection
Master Thesis
Pit Bechtold / MA 362
Optimization of Eco-Friendly Gax Mixtures of Resistive Plate Chambers using Bayesian Optimization Techniques
Ivan Cheptiakov / MA 361
Impact of Voltage Flank Steepness on Partial Discharge Activity under Impulse Voltages
Jorge Gacitua Vergara / MA 360
Application of Big Date Analysis Techniques and Machine Learning Methods to the Design and Development of High Voltage Circuit Breakers (HVCBs)
Sophie Spencer / MA 359
Reconstruction of Ionization Coefficients from Automated Breakdown Experiments
Deepshika Kumari / MA 358
Thermal Current Interruption in SF6 Alternatives
Matthias Rohrer / MA 357
Design of a High Voltage Accumulator for an Acceleration Optimized Electric Racecar
Semester-/Group and Bachelor Thesis
Pasquale Silvestri / SA 556
Detection of Fixed Metallic Protrusions in AC
Matthias Friederici / BA 555
A Low-Power IoT Sensor Platform for Predictive Maintenance of HV Circuit Breakers
Nicolas Huber / BA 554
Acoustic and Partial Discharge Measurement of the Corona Discharge with the Single Corona Source
Aris Monaco / BA 553
Non-Linear Energy Absorber as DC-Breaker for the FPCS
Nicole Bianchi / BA 549
Investigation of Critical Avalanches under Electron Swarm Parameter Variations
Tim Frey / SA 548
FPGA-based High Power Pulsed Current Source Front-end and Control
Moritz Weilenmann / SA 547
Optimizing EPDM Material for HVDC Cable Joints
Pit Bechtold / SA 546
Measuring the Electrical Properties of Polymers
Noel Anderegg / SA 545
An Unblown Arc Experiment to Characterize Alternative Arc-Quenching Gases: Commissioning and Experimentation
Luc Hofstetter / SA 544
Preparation of the FPCS to Operate with 24kA Output Current
Patrick Zimmermann / BA 543
Classification and Quantitative Analysis of Ionizaition Events Measured in RPCs
Grischa Rupbrecht / SA 542
Investigation of Partial Discharge Behavior and Audible Noise Emission of OHL Conductors in Positive and Negative Half Wave
Master Thesis
Dennis Christen / MA 356
Puffer Circuit Breaker Experiment with SF6 Alternatives
Semester-/Group Thesis
Piraveen Selvakumar / SA 541
Partial Discharge Activity Under PWM Voltages
Jan Akermann, Sean Heller / SA 540
Performance Evaluation of a Synthetic Circuit
Enrico Graneris / SA 539
Puffer Circuit Breaker Experiment with SF6 Alternatives
Nick Kreyenbühl / BA 538
Vibrational Excitation Cross Section Fitting in Diluted HFO1234eze Mixtures
Janick Matter / BA 537
Execution of Statistical Time Lag Experiments with Gas Mixtures
Robin Dubach / SA 536
Accoustic and Partial Discharge Measurement of the Corona Discharge with the Single Corona Source under DC and AC Voltages
Leunat Kelmendi / BA 535
Investigation of the Semi-periodic Partial Discharge Behavior and the Resulting Audible Noise Emission of Differently Treated OHL Conductors
Master Thesis
Lorenz Gallina / MA 355
A Practical Smart Sensor Used for the Long-Term Monitoring of Corona Currents on Overhead Lines
Nicolas Bornet / MA 354
Parallel Operation of Current Regulated Buck Converters
Semester-/Group Thesis
Kai Riemenschneider / SA 534
Measurements of Partial Discharge Inception Voltages in Wedge-Shaped Air Gaps under Varying Ambient Conditions
Damien Briens / SA 533
Health Indicator Construction for Medium Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breaker
Noah J. Pfenniger / SA 532
Machine Intelligence for Partial Discharge Identification and Classification
Ahmad Nasralla / SA 531
Investigation on the Audible Noise Emission of Differently Treated OHL Conductors as a Function of the Electric Field Strenghth
Ives Wieser / SA 530
(Quasi) Real-Time Construction of Phase-Resolved Partial Discharge Patterns for Various Partial Discharge Instruments
Deepshikha Kumari / SA 529
Controller Programming for Synthetic Circuit
Lukas Elmiger / SA 527
Modelling of Stepped Leader Breakdown in Python
Samuel Renggli / SA 526
Simulation and Experimental Study of Dielectric Heating in Polymers
Pit Bechtold / BA 525
Polarization-Depolarization Current Study on Polymeric Materials
Joel Hübscher / SA 524
Develop and Implement a Parallel Connection for Buck-Converters and an Interface for their Hardware Configuration
David Knabenhans / SA 523
Blown Arc Experimental Control Interface
Matthias Schüpbach / SA 522
Investigation of the Correlation of Surface Treatments of OHLs and Audible Noise Emission
Basil Wymann / SA 521
Partial Discharge Antenna Sensor Design
Angelika Graf / SA 520
Partial Discharge Inception Studies on Small Air Gaps with AI203-Coated Electrodes
Turlan Kuzhagaliyev / SA 518
Arc Modelling in Python
Master Thesis
Lu Yang / MA 353
Breakdown of Gases under Nanosecond High-Voltage Pulses: A Dynamic Breakdown Model and its Experimental Validation
Chi-Ching Hsu / MA 352
Data Aquisition and Machine Learning Algorithms for Predictive Monitoring of Circuit Breakers
Céline Erzberger / MA 349
Synthetic Testing for HV Circuit Breaker: Development of a Current Injection Circuit
Justin Rüssli-Kueh / MA 348
Design and Construction of a Hall Sensor Based Current Probe
Elias Lötscher / MA 347
Construction and Testing of a Setup for Polarization/Depolarization Current Measurements
Semester-/Group Thesis
Kenny Atuma, Tobias Huber, Marcel Jacuiéry / GA 519
Synthetic Testing for HV Cicruit Breakers: Finalization and Testing of a High Current Circuit
Ivan Cheptiakov / SA 516
Experimental Investigation on Wetted Overhead Lines
Benjamin Stadler / BA 515
Ground Level Ion Current Density Smart Sensors for use under 400kV Test Lines
Miriam Ensslin / SA 514
Free Burning Arc in SF6 Alternatives
Sebastian Reidy / SA 513
Behavior of Hanging Water Droplets in non-uniform Electric Fields
Fabian Bellgardt / SA 512
Methods to Investigate Protrusions on Overhead Lines
Sergio Meyer / BA 511
Smart Sensors for Monitoring the Electric Power Networks
Jaime Lopez Raichs / SA 510
Measurement Campaign on an Outdoor Hybrid Overhead Line
Dennis Christen / SA 509
Synthetic Testing for HV Cicruit Breaker: Commissioning of a High Current Circuit
Pascal Bächler / SA 508
Synthetic Testing for HV Cicruit Breaker: Controller Design
Ladina Kundert / SA 507
Optical System for the Measurement of Circuit Breaker Contact Travel
Stefan Erismann / SA 506
Pressure Control inside the Puffer Chamber of HV Interrupter
Fabian Ulmer / SA 503
Smart Sensors for Monitoring for the Electric Power Network
Chenran Du / SA 502
Simulation of Integrated Optical E-Field Sensor
Master Thesis
Jaël Keller / MA 346
Kabelauslegung unter Berücksichtigung der dynamischen Last
Marc Prudhomme / MA 345
Corona Pulse Measurement of an Outdoor 400 kV AC/DC line
Semester-/Group Thesis
Martin Vahlensieck / SA 501
Validation and further development of the Python-based simulation tool pyMETHES
Céline Erzberger / SA 500
Synthetic Circuit for High Current/High Voltage Testing
Carla Tettamanti/ SA 499
Diffusion correction in swarm experiment
Carla Tettamanti, Milena Keller, Ladina Kundert / GA 498
Effect of surface wetting behaviour on discharges from water drops in non-honogeneous electric fields
Thomas Ackermann / SA 497
Developing an Evaluation Method for Pre-Breakdown Currents Measured with a Broadband Sensor
Isabelle Schlatter / SA 494
Artificial Corona Sources for a 400 kV Outdoor Test Line
Master Thesis
André Eggli / MA 344
Developing thermal estimation and control algorithm for Flexible DC Source
Julia Glaus / MA 343
Investigation of Characteristics of AirPlus for MV Applications
Naseef Boody / MA 342
Online Dielectric Spectroscopy under Medium-Frequency High-Voltage Stress
Semester Thesis
Tobias Streller, Lukas Mouton / GA 496
Impact of high direct current on the contact resistance
Julian Schlapbach, Jannis Pomsel / GA 495
Umsetzung eines Krypto-Moduls zum Einsatz beim "Magic Cube"
Markus Niese, Kerry Jansen / GA 493
Development of a Python-based open-source Monte Carlo solver for electron transport in gases
Elias Lötscher / SA 492
Upgrade of a Medium-Voltage Breakdown Experiment
Luca Nembrini / SA 491
Software Optimization for a Mixed-Voltage Control and Acquisition Unit
Thivagan Kanasagabai / SA 490
AC Breakdown Measurements of Environment-Friendly Fluorinated Gas Mixtures for High Voltage Insulation
Ruben Stadler / SA 489
Setting up an Lightning Impulse Breakdown Experiment for Insulating Gases
Arnaud Schneuwly, Daniel Biek / GA 488
Platform to assess the effect of ns-pulsed electric fields on biological cells
Melissa Artiglia / SA 487
Modification of a Breakdown Experiment for Insulating Gases
Master Thesis
Cindy Karina / MA 341
Influence of the Humidity on the Electric Strength of Air
Brooke Spreen / MA 340
Analysis and Testing of an Adaptive Current Injection System for HVDC Circuit Breakers
Johanna Vorwerk / MA 339
Effect of Electric Field on Droplets Impacting Surfaces with Different Wettabilities
David Graber / MA 338
Setting Up and Controlling a Gas Discharge Experiment
Aldo Tobler / MA 337
Sine Voltage Modulation for improved power transmission capacity
Emil Walser / MA 336
Interruption Limits of Mechanical Circuit Breakers in Current Injection Topologies
Timo Stiefel / MA 335
Development of high current contacts for an Ultra Fast Disconnector for HVDC Circuit Breakers
Daniel Wackernagel / MA 334
FPGA Controller Development for Pulsed Current Source
Miriam Vonesch / MA 333
Gas Circuit Breaker Arc Voltage Under Different Flow Conditions
Semester -Group Thesis
Annik Jeizinger, Fabio Inderbitzin / GA 486
Investigation of Electrostatic Helicopter Charging
Manuela Luther, EPFL / SA 485
Evaluation of long-term Outdoor HVAC/HVDC Corona Test
David Carminati, Silvano Cortesi / GA 484
Audio-Modulated Solid-State Tesla Coil
Michel Schubiger / SA 483
Evaluation of new gas candidates for electrical insulation
André S. Eggli / SA 482
Implementation of an Automated Current Source Control System
Ognjen Stanojev / SA 481
Economical and Technical Benefit of a Hybrid HVAC/HVDC Line
Julia Glaus / SA 480
Design and Implementation of an Auxiliary Circuit to Adjust Pre-Charge Voltage of Current Injection HVDC Circuit Breakers Topologies
Verena Häberle / SA 479
Design and Implementation of a Two-Stage Injection Circuit for HVDC Circuit Breakers
Arnaud Bertoni / SA 478
Automation of Circuit Breaker Benchmark Tests
Aldo Tobler / SA 477
Calculation of Hybrid AC/DC Electric Fields and Audible Noise
Johannes Goedejohann / SA 476
Development of Highspeed Imaging Evaluation Methods for Arcs
Master Thesis
Emiliano Trodini / MA 332
Modelling the Electrical Signal in Spark Discharge Generators for Electrode Ablation Control
Patrik Herzog / MA 330
Analysis and optimization of current injection circuits for hybrid HVDC circuit breakers
Moritz Staub / MA 329
Discharges in detectors with environmental friendly gas mixtures
Benjamin Hammerich / MA 328
Improving the limit performance of mechanical circuit breakers in HVDC applications
Vincent Freiermuth / MA 324
Finding the limits of theoretical Arc Models
Bachelor Thesis in co-operation with HEFR
Pierre-Alain Pilloud / Quentin Monney HEFR / DA 473
Experimental investigations on the Voltage Endurance of Polymeric Insulation Materials under Puls-Width-Modulated Medium Voltages
Semester Thesis
Johannes Goedejohann / SA 475
Development of Highspeed Imaging Evaluation Methods for Arcs
Serjosha Robmann / SA 474
Thermal-mechanical simulation of OHL AAACClamp Geometry Optimization
Corentin Rouault / SA 472
Clamp Geometry Optimization
Luciano Bettinaglio / SA471
Literature Review on Achnor Clamps of OHL Conductors
John-Levy Nyberg / SA 470
Lightning Impulse Breakdown Tests
Miriam Vonesch / SA 469
Dark Currents in Gas-insulated HVDC Equipment
Michel Nagel, Manuel Kohli / GA 468
Construction and commissioning of an outdoor AC/DC corona test field
Daniel Wackernagel / SA 467
Assembly and Testing of an Audio-Modulated Solid-State Tesla Transformer
Xiang Li / SA 466
FEA of the wedge-clamp Mechanism of AAAC
Ivo Caduff / SA 465
Assessing hybrid AC-DC lines in the Swiss Energy System
Jael Keller / SA 464
Measurements of the electron swarm parameters of C4F7N
Kevin Lengauer / SA 463
Gas modeling for strongly detaching gases in C4F7N and O2
David Graber / SA 462
Humidity as an Influencing Factor in HVDC Substations
Felix Hoffmann / SA 461
Implementation of a Signal Acquisition System for High-Voltage Dielectric Spectroscopy
Brooke Spreen / SA 460
Investigation of discharge inception on W7-X superconductor joint insulation
Joé Goelff / SA 459
Limit Performance Evaluation of Mechanical Gas Circuit Breakers in HVDC Applications
Federia Bellizio /SA 458
Construction of a humidity control system for HVDC Insulation Tests
Cindy Karina / SA 457
Breakdown Experiments in N2-O2 Gas Mixtures
Master Thesis
Vincent Freiermuth / MA 324
Finding the Limits of Theoretical Arc Models
Alexander Heller / MA 322
Outdoor Measurement Concept for HVAC/HVDC Corona Effects
Semester Thesis
Emil Walser / SA 456
Design and Implementation of a Semiconductor Making Switch in a Circuit Breaker Text Bench
Cédric Uschatz/Jonas Stamm/Robin Gadola / GA-SA 455
Entwicklung der Gate-Treiber Stufe für eine audiomodulierte Teslaspule
Timotheus Stiefel / SA 454
Current Sensing for Broad-Band High Voltage Dielectric Spectroscopy
Martin Baltzinger / SA 453
Comparing and Analyzing Results of DIC and ACT Measurements of an AAA-OHL-Conductor
Corentin Rouault / SA 452
Comparing and Analyzing Results of DIC and ACT Measurements of an AAA-OHL-Conductor
Alice Lépouzé / SA 451
Understanding the origin of ion currents from thin-film photocathode
Gabriel Voirol / SA 450
Design, production and testing of novel thin-film photocathodes for use in Pulsed-Townsend Experiments
Verena Häberle / SA 449
Characterization of Rotating Arcs in DC Disconnectors
Patrik Herzog / SA 448
Outdoor setup of hybrid AC/DC overhead test line
Julia Glaus/Manuel Kohli/Michel Nagel / GA-SA 447
Reduction of Corona Losses and Audible Noise of HVDC Overhead Lines
Martina Stadelmann / SA 446
Investigation and Modelling of HVDC Surface Charging
Julian Humml / SA 445
Simulation of Heated Supersonic Gas Flow in a Circuit Breaker Nozzle (** Bsc D-MAVT)
Lara Egli / SA 444
Design and Testing of Supersonic Nozzles for High Current DC Circuit Breakers
Moritz Staub / SA 443
Experiments and simulation on thermal-electrical behavior of the tension clamp assembly depending on grease layer
Matthias Vöhringer / SA 442
Simulation of Switching Operations in Multiterminal HVDC
Mingkun Liu / SA 441
Study of High Current Arcs in HVDC Circuit Breakers
Master Thesis
Moritz Vifian / MA 317
Electrical-Thermal-Mechanical Modeling of an Overhead-Line Conductor and Wedge Clamp
Viktor Lenz / MA 320
DC Current Breaking Solutions in HVDC Applications
Semester Thesis
Ludovico Nati / SA 439
Upgrade of an Ion Flow Code for Hybrid Corona Simulation
Leonard Deuschle, Aaron Philipp / GA 440
Feasibility Study on the Use of Current Transformers in Dielectric Spectroscopy
Beat Stadler / SA 438
Development of a Mechanical Gas Circuit Breaker for HVDC Applications
Chenxi Wu / SA 437
Implementation of a Test Setup to Evaluate the Performance of Mechanical Switches for HVDC Circuit Breakers
Vincent Freiermuth / SA 436
High Bandwith Voltage-Divider for HVDC-CB Experiment
Ioannis Stavropoulos / SA 435
Inverse Modelling of HVDC Surface Charging
Antoine Gaillard / SA 434
Hybrid-effect of AC/DC transmission lines on audible noise
Jon Azurza Anderson / SA 428
Delelopment of an Outdoor Test Facility for overhead Power Lines
Haoyu Wang / SA 432
Investigation of Converter-Ripple in HVDC-GIS
Fadri Grünenfelder / SA 431
Investigation on space charge effects by coupling Monte Carlo simulation with a Poisson solver
Doris Ragna Meyer / SA 427
Calculation of the Critical Field Strength of Alternative Insulation Gases
Master Thesis
Ronny Steinhaus / MA 315
Abschätzen der elektrischen Festigkeit umweltfreundlicher Isoliergase
Julien Thomas / MA 313
Small Scale Testing of HVDC circuit breakers
Tim Schultz / MA 312
Verification an Application of Corona Models for Numerical Ion Flow Investigations in Hybrid HVAC / HVDC Field
Jonas Schmutz / MA 311
Investigations of Ion Current Coupling in Hybrid AC/DC Overhead Lines
Jonas Trüssel / MA 310
Entwicklung, Aufbau und Test einer Standard-Steuereinheit für die modularen Hochspannungs-Baukastenprüfanlagen des HVL
René Sonderegger / MA 309
Novel Test Method to Characterize Limit Performance of Power Electronic Switches
Semester Thesis
Michiel Tavernier / SA 425
Investigation of the DC Corona Characteristics of Solid Rain Drop Models on Overhead Conductors
Stefan Johannes Franz / SA 425
Bus-Transfer Switching in HVDC GIS
Julian Böhler, Johannes Frick / GA 429
Doppel-Puls Prüfstand
Uros Markovic / SA 424
Development of an Outdoor Test Facility for Overhead Power Lines
Matthias Meier / SA 424
TeKaF - Analyse des Temperaturgradienten des Leiterseils innerhalb und in der Nähe der Abspannklemme
Daniel Schenk / SA 421
Analyse der räumlichen Relativbewegungen der Drähte vom Leiterseil in der Nähe der Abspannklemme
Loukas Theodolou / SA 423
Extension of a Laser-Speckle Technique for Curcuit Breaker Arc Imaging to Tow or More Beam Lines
Alexander Heller / SA 420
Investigation of Magnetically Driven Disconnector Arcs
Matthias Britt / SA 419
Development of a High Voltage Lowpass Filter
Remo Brühwiler / SA 418
Investigation of Rain Drop Formation and Corona Effects on HVDC Overhead Conductors
Viktor Lenz / SA 417
Bestimmung von Entladungsparametern in alternativen Isoliergasen
Moritz Vifian / SA 416
Simulation of VFTO in HVDC GIS
Oleg Valgaev / SA 415
Modeling of a Passive Resonance CB for HVDC Networks
Maike Ortibus / SA 415
Influence of Local Weather Conditions on OHL Temperature Distribution
Manuel Mühlebach, René Sonderegger / SA 414
Entwicklung eines automatisierten Messverfahrens für Korona-Einsatz-Spannungen und -Ströme an HGU Freileitungen
Tobias Wellerdieck / GA 503
Identification of time delays, characteristics field strengths and corona charges during partial discharge of SF6 in weakly inhomogeneous fields
Lei Yang / SA 413
Influence of OHL tension and current on radial temperature distribution
Thomas Guillod / SA 412
Simulation on AC/DC Hybrid Overhead Lines
Master Thesis
Seraina Buchmeier / MA 307
Aufbau und Messung von Koronaeinsatzspannung und-strömen an HVDC Freileitungen
David Gassner / MA 306
Experimental study of high current arcs during contact separation
Philipp Vogel / MA 305
Entwicklung eines kostengünstigen Strommesssystems für hohe DC- und AC-Ströme mit Hilfe des HOKA-Prinzips
Martin D. Pfeiffer / MA 304
Pole-to-Ground Fault in Multi-Terminal HVDC Networks
Moonjo Kang / MA 307
Influence of blow pressure and nozzle shape on HVDC circuit breakers
Jolanda Hell / MA 303
Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung der Wartezeit bei Durchschlagsversuchen in Abhängigkeit von der Durchschlagsspannung
Pascal Häfliger / MA 302
Automatisierte Messung der Schwarmparameter in Mischungen von Ar, N2, CO2 und SF6
Semester Thesis
David Lehnen / SA 410
Entwicklung eines Programms zur effizienten Suche nach alternativen Isoliergasen
Ronny Steinhaus / SA 411
Zeitaufgelöste Teilentladungsmessungen bei phasengenauer X-Ray Triggerung
Jonas Trüssel / SA 409
Simulation von Temperaturgradienten in HVDC Epoxy Spacer
Andreas Ritter / SA 408
Disconnector and Earthing Switch Operation in HVDC GIS
Marcel Baumeler / SA 406
Aufbau, Inbetriebnahme und Programmierung einer Experimentsteuerung für Versuche mit dem Hochspannungsbaukastensystem
Rolf Christen, Andreas Jehle, Johannes Ritz, Manuel Widmer / GA 502
Gruppenarbeit PST Modell
D. Li / SA 405
Design and Testing of an Automatic Contact Resistance Measuring Device for Temperature Rise Tests
A. Brandenberger, D. Lu, P. Voser / GA 407
Strommessung an Satelliten-Plasmatriebwerk
Bachelor Thesis in co-operation with HEFR
Yannick Brodard, Florian Cotting / DA EIA-FR
Dynamische Untersuchung der Leiterseiltemperaturen bei Lastsprüngen in Freileitungsnetzen
Michael Hebeisen / MA 300
Hochstromkreis für Temperaturmessungen an Freileitungsseilen
Sonya Konzak / MA 299
Dynamic Thermal Rating: An examination of the radial temperature distribution of overhead line conductors
Pascal Bühlmann / MA in cooperation with D-MAVT
Seilbelastung, Kabelklemme und Hochspannungsleitung
Roman Jenni, Jonas Schmutz / GA 203
Erdfehlerspannungen an Hochspannungs-Freileitungsmasten mit Erdseil
Daniel Rothmund / SA 404
Zeitgenaues Zünden und Löschen einer Funkenstrecke für einen Teslatransformator
Andreas Ritter / SA 401
Setup, Commissioning and Automation of a Pulsed DC Source
Pascal Häfliger / SA 402
Bau einer Hochspannungs-Durchführung
Eyüp Masyan / SA 400
Teilentladungsdiagnose für Mittelspannungsschalter
Andreas Ritter / GA 1106
Deterministic Sizing of the Frequency Bias Factor of Secondary Control
Guang Huang / MA 259
Electrical, Economical and Environmental Modeling of Overhead Lines and Cables
Michael Kellenberger / MA 259
Energy Storage with cost optimized energy supply of a single detached family house
Jolanda Hell / MA 262
Analysis of an Electrical Consumption Park with Hyprid Production: Combustion Turbine and Photovoltaic Installation and Battery
Raphael Bühler / MA 261
Modelling and Analysis of Commercial Heat Pump Compressor Motor Drives
Michael Leibl / SA 372
Bestimmung der Kennlinie und der Parameterfunktionen eines Lichtbogens zur Beobachtung von Einflussfaktoren
Mijamin Läubli / SA 371
Bau und Steuerung einer Anlage zur Gasdosierung
Matthias K. Bucher / MA 260
Optimum Integration of Renewable Energy Sources: Network or Storage ?
Marco Güttinger / MA 258
The Potential of Demand-Side Management and Vehicle-To-Grid for the City of Bern, Switzerland
Roger Wiget / MA 264
Shadowgraphy during High Power Interruptions
Jonathan Feller / MA 263
Wind Turbine Shaft Stress Reduction
I-V. Thanou / SA 361
Choosing a household's best option for energy and energy expenditure savings
Eirini Gerovasili / MA 257
Technical and Economic Analysis of Photovoltaic Systems in Greece
Th. Apostolou / SA 360
Analysis of a city quarter's energy supply options
Farzaneh Abbaspourtorbati / SA 358
Reducing GHG Emissions with Demand Side Management, Demand Response and Energy Storage
Samuel Hecht / SA 359
Thermische Modellierung eines Generatorstabes
Janev Vanco / MA 256
Parallel Computing of Dättwil's Energy Infrastructure