How to Find Us
How to get from Zurich Airport to Zurich
The least expensive way, costing approx.CHF 6.-- is to take the train to Zurich railway station. Trains are leaving every 15 to 20 minutes and take about 10 minutes to get you to Zurich Central Station. (Zürich Hauptbahnhof or just 'HB').
At the airport follow the signs to the underground train station to get to the railway tracks. The train station is located three storeys underground in the same building in which you have arrived.
Please make sure that you have a valid ticket before taking the last stairs down to the platforms. Tickets can be bought at the ticket shop (the clerks speak English) or at the ticket vending machine (see below). Enter the code 8000.
How to get from Zurich central station to the High Voltage Lab - Building ETL
Follow the signs at the railway station to get to the tram stop. The trams in Zurich are numbered and the one that will take you to the High Voltage Laboratory is marked No 6. You'll find the nearest tram stop for No. 6 off Bahnhofstrasse or Central. In addition to the numbers, every tram line has its own colored sign on it (No. 6 has an orange/brown sign). Beneath that colored sign, the terminal station is shown, so make sure it reads 'Zoo'.
Please make sure that you have a valid ticket. Tickets can be obtained at the ticket vending machine. The tram ride will take about 10 minutes. Get off at the fourth stop called 'Voltastrasse".
There are 2 ways to get from Voltastrasse, where the main building of the Department for Information Technology and Electrotechnics (Building ETZ) is located to Building ETL:
- enter building ETZ, walk through until the back of the building, turn right and you'll find some steps leading you up to Physikstrasse 3, where building ETL is located
- walk down a few steps from the tramway and turn the next street to your right. You'll find some steps leading you between two buildings up - walk up until the end and you arrive at Physikstrasse 3.
Ticketing Machine
To use the ticketing machine you need swiss coins and/or CHF 20.-- bank notes. Some ticketing machines accept credit cards. Use the machine as follows:
From Zürich airport (ZRH): Enter the code 8000 (for Zürich). From Zürich main station: Press the yellow button labeled 'Kurzstrecke'.
The display shows the price for a 2nd class one-way ticket. You can switch between the 1st and 2nd class by pressing the '1.KL.' button. This is only important if you intend to use the train since there is no distinction between first and second class in trams. To switch between a one-way to a return use the '' button. A two-way ticket for trams is valid for 24 hours and therefore called a 'Tageskarte'.
Insert the money and the machine will drop the ticket and if necessary the change in the slot in the left corner.
Tickets are valid for the whole public transportation network between the zone(s) encompassing the origin and the destination place. One-way tickets are valid for two hours and return tickets are valid for 24 hours.
By car

The entrance to a non-public parking garage is at Gloriastrasse 35 (building ETZ). As someone invited to ETH Zurich by ETH Zurich staff, you are allowed to use this parking garage. The parking at ETH is invariably subject to a charge, which has to be paid (on an hourly basis) at the ticket machine close to the entrance of the garage.
Due to construction in the vicinity of the ETZ and ETL buildings, it is best to call your contact person at ETH upon arrival to arrange for picking up at the garage.
Please note: Zurich during the day is typically very busy and you will have to plan for more time than indicated on most route calculators.