Teaching / Student Research Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Students that have most successfully passed the exam for one of our courses can be employed as teaching assistants for this course in the coming years. You don't have to be a didactic expert from the start. Very good knowledge about the subject and motivation for teaching are sufficient prerequisites. You can attend the course "Didaktikkurs für Hilfsassistierende" and learn the necessary didactic skills.
If you like teaching younger fellow students, either in Fachpraktika or excercise sessions of lectures on bachelor or master level, please don't hesitate to contact any of the group members or Prof. Franck and ask for available jobs.
Student Research Assistant
Students can assist our research projects also outside the educational master/semester/group thesis projects. If you have technical or programming experience, please don't hesitate to contact any of the group members or Prof. Franck and ask for available jobs.