Prof. Christian Franck appointed new Full Member of SATW
The Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) has elected Prof. Christian Franck, head of the High Voltage Lab at D-ITET, as Full Member. The appointment is made in recognition of his outstanding achievements in teaching and research, particularly regarding the use of new climate-friendly insulating gases in electrical energy technology.
High Voltage Lab _ Synthetic Test Circuit
After roughly 30 months of design, construction and testing we have finally commissioned the HVL Synthetic Test Circuit. This source can generate current and voltage slopes as they occur in the grid during a short line fault. It is one of the main components enabling current interruption research in the upcoming years. Congratulations to the team!
Ski Day - High Voltage Lab Team
On a sunny day, most of the members of our High Voltage Lab team members enjoyed a wonderful ski day in the mountains/Pizol.
Projects and seminars: Finding practical solutions for the energy turnaround
The new P&S course "Erneuerbare Energien und Netto-Null-Emissions-Ziel in der Schweiz" was taught for the first time by Prof. Christian Franck and Prof. Gabriela Hug. In this course the students dealt with different topics concerning the energy turnaround in Switzerland. Of 60 students who applied, only 24 were able to participate, so the second edition of the course will follow next semester.